Fungal toenails (Onychomycosis) are a common condition we treat at our clinics.
Onychomycosis is estimated to cause up to 50% of all nail abnormalities, can be a source of pain and discomfort, and can impact a patient’s quality of life.
People are often embarrassed by the look of these nails as they usually appear discoloured (white, yellow, brown) and can be flaky and thickened.
It is important to ascertain whether a nail is just thickened or whether a fungal infection is present before treatment commences.
To confirm a diagnosis, a nail sample can be sent to pathology.
There are various treatment options available:
Topical antifungal paints/tinctures
Laser therapy
Oral Medications
It is important to note, it can take up to 12 months for a new healthy nail to grow if treatment is successful.
Plantar warts (Papilloma or Verrucae) are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) which occur on the sole or toes of the foot and cause hard, often painful skin lesions.
They can last for many years or spontaneously resolve in a few weeks.
They should be treated if they begin spreading (to other parts of the foot or other people), become unsightly, or if they become painful.
They often resemble a cauliflower with tiny black spots in the centre and are usually painful when you squeeze the sides of the lesion together.
Our team of Podiatrists can advise on which treatment is most suitable for you or your child.
A corn or callus is a patch of hard, thickened skin on the foot that is formed in response to pressure or friction.
They are more common in people with foot deformities, those who stand a lot, or those who wear unsuitable footwear.
Common Sites:
under the ball of the foot
tips of the toes
overlying bony prominences
between the toes (soft corns)
Thick/hard skin on foot (callus)
Small hard area of skin which may have a central core (corn)
White rubbery skin (soft corn)
Pain with pressure/friction
Reduction of callus can help to decrease pain
Padding to redistribute pressure
Orthoses to offer long-term relief
Advice - footwear and skin care
Ingrown toenails are a painful condition where the side of the nail grows into the toe.
There are a number of reasons they may occur including direct trauma, incorrect cutting of nails, tight footwear, and involuted nails (some people are born with nails that curl around in the corners).
Ingrown nails can often be managed conservatively however if the nail is very infected or if it is consistently painful or inflamed we recommend partial nail avulsion surgery.
Book now to have your painful ingrown treated by our team.