Heel Pain
Many things can contribute to the development of heel pain and it can be extremely debilitating and frustrating to manage.
Symptoms are variable but you may experience aching, tightness, stiffness, sharp pain, stabbing pain, throbbing, numbness, burning, or a bruised feeling around your heel.
We bet you want to get back to doing the things you love. Whilst heel pain can be complicated, the majority of cases can be treated effectively.
Our team of experienced podiatrists can develop an appropriate treatment plan to reduce your pain and work with you to ensure you are living life on your terms.
How we manage your heel pain:
Conduct a comprehensive initial assessment including biomechanical assessment, video gait analysis, and footwear assessment
Provide you with an accurate diagnosis
Develop a step-by-step management plan
Treatment using the most innovative and evidence-based options available. This may include shockwave therapy
Load management – strapping, padding, orthotic therapy, footwear management, activity modification, rehab
Referrals for radiology and other specialists as required
Don’t suffer from heel pain any longer. Let us help you get back to doing the things you love.
Heel Pain
Many things can contribute to the development of heel pain and it can be extremely debilitating and frustrating to manage.
Symptoms are variable but you may experience aching, tightness, stiffness, sharp pain, stabbing pain, throbbing, numbness, burning, or a bruised feeling around your heel.
We bet you want to get back to doing the things you love. Whilst heel pain can be complicated, the majority of cases can be treated effectively.
The Achilles tendon is a thick tendon that joins your heel bone to your calf muscle.
Various components of the tendon can become injured including the tendon itself, the paratenon, the tendon sheath, the bursa, and the insertion into the calcaneus bone.
Many things can contribute to the development of tendinopathy including:
Excessive loads/overuse e.g. training errors
Muscle weakness – may lead to reduced load tolerance in the tendon and/or increased loads through the tendon
Tight calf muscles
Poor footwear
Comprehensive assessment and correct diagnosis are essential to ensure an appropriate management plan can be formulated for you.
How can we help you?
We will conduct a comprehensive initial assessment including video gait analysis and biomechanical assessment. We will listen to you and work with you to create goals for your recovery
We will analyze your activity levels to determine whether your training load is appropriate
We will develop a plan to manage load in the tendon – this may include strapping, heel lifts, footwear modifications, or orthotics.
We will work with you to increase the load tolerance in your tendon – rehab programs, specific strength and conditioning exercises
We can offer treatments that can reduce pain in the tendon – shockwave, dry needling
Don’t limp around any longer. Let us get you back on your feet.
Forefoot pain is another common reason people present to our clinics for assessment.
Symptoms may include burning, numbness, aching (sharp/dull), or swelling.
There are many structures in this area of the foot that can become injured, contributing to conditions such as:
Metatarsal stress fractures/fractures
Plantar plate tear
Morton’s neuroma
Tendinosis and tenosynovitis
Our Podiatrists can assist you by formulating a management plan to reduce the load on the painful structures allowing them to heal and get you back on your feet.

Bunions (Hallux Abductovalgus) are a common foot condition treated by our podiatrists.
The hallux (big toe) plays an integral role during gait and as such, it is common for people to experience pain as the position of the toe changes and the joint degenerates.
Those with bunions usually seek our advice when they are experiencing pain, they are having trouble fitting into shoes or they are worried about the look of the toe.
Bunions are often hereditary but can be exacerbated by inappropriate footwear and biomechanical factors.
Secondary changes can also occur in the lesser toes (e.g. hammertoes) and changes to the big toe joint can contribute to overload in other areas of the foot causing pain.
Most people like to try all conservative options before considering surgical intervention. These options may include splints, orthotics, and footwear modifications.
Our team will conduct a thorough assessment of your feet and how they function and develop an appropriate bunion management plan for you.